DIY project: Hydrangea pom-poms

A simple floral party decoration idea from floral designer Willow Crossley

Growing up in the beautiful Welsh countryside, floral stylist and author Willow Crossley has been “mad about flowers” for as long as she can remember – and learned most of her floristry skills from her green-fingered mother at home.

Following the success of her first book The Art of Handmade Living (2012), her coveted follow-up, Inspire: The Art of Living With Nature, hit the shelves in March 2014.

A testament to her eye for design, expert crafting skills and passion for nature, the book is packed with ideas for transforming your home into a natural haven with a particular emphasis on the power of flowers.

Here is one of our favourite DIY projects from the book – super simple but oh-so pretty, and the perfect decoration for any party or event. 

What you’ll need:

  • Hydrangeas
  • Florists’ foam ball
  • Fishing wire
  • Scissors

How to make it:

  1. Tie a length of fishing wire around the middle of your foam ball, leaving two long ends.
  2. Secure the wire in place with drawing pins and knot the two ends together, to create the loop to hang it from.
  3. Break off small florets from the dried hydrangea heads - you will need about four heads to cover the whole ball. TIP:  Make sure that their stems are strong enough to pierce the foam.
  4. Insert the florets into the foam, very close together. TIP: When this starts to get a bit too fiddly for your fingers, push them in with a small pair of scissors.
  5. Continue until the whole ball is covered. Hang it from the knotted wire and enjoy