Bouquet idea: colourful tulips

A bright arrangement to liven things up

Get rid of the general downbeat mood with a spectacular tulip bouquet bursting with colour. Variegated blooms on bright green stems will shake things up.

Recette de bouquet avec des tulipes

You will need 

Think about what colours could cheer up the mood at home. We’ve opted for a lively combination of orange tulips with the blue and purple of hyacinth and viburnum, finished with delicately coloured narcissi and grasses. Hello bouquet of cheerfulness! 

Idiosyncratic bouquet

This bouquet packed with height differences looks best in a rustic vase. It doesn’t have to be neat and sleek, so is not a problem if the tulip stems develop some interesting twists and turns. 

(Shopping) tips

Do you love it? Check out all our care tips for tulips in the flower guide. We’ve also found some beautiful tulip vases that you can order from the comfort of your sofa.