Delicate swaying vases

Celebrating the beautiful life cycle of fresh-cut flowers

These delicate teardrop-shaped vases will not only add a touch of serenity to your living space, they also promise to do something quite incredible when your flowers begin to shed their petals. A moment normally tinged with sadness because it marks the start of your flowers’ demise becomes something poignant and beautiful thanks to Keisuke Fujiwara’s clever design. 

Tipping point

Each vase is designed to sit at an angle, with a weight at the bottom to prevent it tipping over – but this delicate equilibrium is disturbed when the weight of the flowers is altered and the petals fall, causing the vase to gently sway.

Reflections on colour

Available in five stunning colours, the reflective metallic surfaces have a subtle gradient, softly merging one colour into another. Reflecting the light, colours and forms of the space around them, each one is unique with infinite possibilities. 

Have a closer look at more of Japanese designer Keisuke Fujiwara's work here.