Petersham Nurseries, Covent Garden
Covent Garden’s Petersham Nurseries is a mecca for any plant enthusiast. Following the Boglione family’s success at the Queen Anne home location in Richmond they decided to bring the delight and elegance to Covent Garden. Visit now to check out the stunning homewares shop, delicatessen and florist full of distinctive handmade items and stunning array of bouquets. With two hotly anticipated restaurants set to open next year, and The Urban School of Garden Inspiration workshops on the way, we recommend booking early!

Grace & Thorn, Hackney
Celebrating its 5th birthday this September, Nik from the East London florist, Grace & Thorn was first inspired by her grandmother’s innocent childhood stories of Fiddle Leaf Fig trees and her life in Puglia. Breaking away from neat potted plants and generic flower beds in concentric circles, she daydreamed about bringing the wilderness and beauty indoors with lavish greenery and beautiful unruly bouquets.
Following the release of her book “How Not To Kill Your Plants”, Grace has been steering accidental plant killers in the right direction and teaching how to avoid common mishaps. Keep your eyes peeled for the subsequent unique “How Not To Kill Your Plants” workshops. Where do we sign up?

JamJar Flowers, Kennington
In the heart of Kennington, former Model Management director, Melissa brought her childhood dream to life. From the far flung afternoons of picking flowers to display in empty jam jars, she is now the genius behind bespoke florist JamJar Flowers.
For the flower arranging novice, look to JamJar Flowers regular workshops. Bouquet tying, pressing, arranging, and a full host of basic floristry skills - learn the top tips and tricks from the best. Keep an eye out for the JamJar Edit launching soon to source one of a kind handmade vases and accessories to add a special touch to your home interiors.

PRICK LDN, Dalston
Unless you have been living under a rock in 2017, you will know that cacti and succulents have been dominating the #instasphere in all shapes and sizes for a while now. Award winning photographer, Gynelle Leon’s first love of rare and unusual cacti bloomed after a visit to the iconic Yves Saint Laurent’s Jardin Majorelle in Marrakesh. As well as direct imports from Holland, Gynelle adopts unloved cacti that people can’t take care of anymore, revives them and then sends them off to new homes!
Prick also offers plant related literature, trademark terracotta Prick Pots and refreshments for a quirky, cool hangout.

The Flower Warehouse, Bethnal Green
From small beginnings, selling flowers on the side of the motorway to make ends meet; Ezgi Sumen, owner of The Flower Warehouse, discovered his love of flowers. 15 years on after taking over the business from the original owner, the east London space has been transformed into a haven of greenery, offering affordable plants and flowers, imported from Holland, to Londoners in need of a sprig of nature in their hectic lives. According to The Flower Warehouse, Ficus Lyrata, Monstera and hanging spiders, or as Ezgi likes to call them ‘Grandma Plants’, are the sell out this season- perfect to add some kitsch vibes to your London abode
Whilst you’re in the area take a wander through the Bethnal Green Archways, grab a coffee in nearby Nkora before venturing into The Flower Warehouse just down the road for some #instagold.