What you need (serves 6)
- preparation approx. 30 minutes / setting time approx. 8 hours / infusing syrup approx. 1/2 day
- gluten-free
Note: start preparing this dish the morning before the meal, because the panna cotta needs to set and the syrup needs to infuse
panna cotta
2 sheets gelatine
205ml crème fraîche
1 sachet vanilla sugar
200ml double cream
5 tbsp icing sugar
1 tsp rosewater
rose and carnation petals as decoration*
lavender syrup (250 - 300ml)
100g sugar
2 tbsp dried lavender (healthfood shop)
you will also need: 6 moulds (e.g. espresso cups), lightly greased with neutral oil, oven dish
honeycomb made from wildflower honey
1 tbsp sunflower oil
5 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp wildflower honey
1 tbsp baking soda
How to make it
Soak the gelatine in plenty of cold water for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, bring the crème fraîche with the vanilla sugar close to boil, and simmer for 2 to 3 minutes. Remove from the hob, allow to dissolve thoroughly and cool down to almost cold.

For the honeycomb, lightly grease an oven dish with sunflower oil. Combine the sugar, honey and 1 tbsp water in a thick-based saucepan. Gently melt the mixture on medium heat, turn the heat down and allow the sugar to caramelize to a light, tea-coloured syrup. Remove from the hob and add the baking soda in one go and beat very hard (careful: hot!).
The caramel will foam vigorously - it’s supposed to! Poor the foaming mixture directly into a greased oven dish (approx. 15 x 20cm) and leave to cool. Don’t taste it yet - it will be really hot. You have been warned!
Break the cooled honeycomb into large pieces.
Place the moulds in very hot water and count to 10 or 20, place a plate over the top and carefully turn out. Pour some lavender syrup over the top, sprinkle with rose petals and honeycomb. Place fresh edible flowers on top.
Storage tip
Eat honeycomb fairly soon after it has cooled, or in any case within 1 day. If the air is damp, it will soon collapse and become sticky. In any case store it in an airtight container.
*One more thing: never tuck in to just any (cut) flower or plant; only use edible flowers from specialist suppliers that have been grown for human consumption.