If the Queen of Flowers is your favourite, you are probably passionate about life. You’re romantic and enjoy quality time with the people closest to you.

Red, white, pink, purple, orange: the gerbera comes in an incredible variety of colours. You’re bound to have a colourful personality, and amongst your friends you’re known as a daredevil.

You’re artistic-minded. You feel it’s important that things look neat and tidy. Those around you are lucky to have such a caring person!
You enjoy life - a bon viveur. At home, but you equally enjoy going on holiday and discovering new places. Spring is definitely your season.

If your favourite flower is the Calla, you like to party! A drink here, a dance there.; but in your own style, because you like to be noticed.

The Alstroemeria represents friendship, and that’s exactly what you are: a good friend! You’re full of surprises and always manage to give situations a positive twist.
You’re a sober person with a somewhat practical streak. You enjoy traditions and getting together, even if it’s just for Sunday brunch. A beautiful bouquet packed with chrysanthemums on the table is essential at times like that. The nice thing about you is that you can also be very surprising.

Beauty attracts you; in your home environment but also in how you present yourself. You feel that honesty is one of the most important traits that a person can have - it’s a priority for you.

You’re a proud person and like to go through life with your head held high. You feel drawn to faraway, exotic destinations.

You are down to earth and as a result you radiate strength and independence but a touch of temperament suits you. People can rely on you, and like to be around you.

This vintage classic is particularly popular with people who like pure, tasteful beauty and who have an eye for detail. Also give it as a gift: the flower symbolises unconditional love.

You’re always the little ray of sunshine around the home! People appreciate your ever-positive contribution and fresh view on things. A sociable type, you like to surround yourself with family and friends. It will come as no surprise to hear that you feel great in summer.

You’re the person who never forgets a birthday or a thank you. You’re incredibly generous and always make sure that other people are happy. Don’t forget to treat yourself to a beautiful bunch of hydrangeas!

You’re ambitious and pursue your career at full throttle. You never stand still, and are known for being able to keep 100 balls in the air at the same time. Don’t forget to take a break and enjoy the beautiful Gloriosa in a vase.
So, does your favourite flower match your personality? We’d love to know! Tell us in your comment below.