Bouquet recipe: a vase to fill your heart with joy

Everything you want to say in a bouquet

Some bouquets make you realise how much you love flowers - and the person who gave them to you! Print out this bouquet recipe and bring it to your local florist. Together you can create a bouquet that will fill your heart and your vase with joy. 

groot boeket liefde |

You will need

Get to work

Select flowers in sweet colours that remind you of love such as pink, red, pastel and blush. Apart from that there are few rules. Choose the quantities, lengths and arrange yourself. Less is not always more. Plunge into the flowers enthusiastically, and share the abundance in your heart by expressing it in an extravagant bouquet.

What you always wanted to say

Did you know that ranunculus, carnations, freesias and roses all have very loving meanings? One might be more of a shy charm offensive whilst the other is direct flirting, but they’re all packed full of love. And did you know these flowers perfectly embody the four phases of love? This bouquet recipe is therefore not just very beautiful, but also expresses what you always wanted - but perhaps didn’t dare - to say. 

Love is not always perfect

Doesn’t that look stunning? And if a leaf droops or some grass is sticking out, that’s not a problem. Love is not always perfect, and neither is a bouquet.