Flower bouquet: New Year, new bouquet inspiration

Pink and violet celebration with tulips

Boom! We’re starting the new year with a bang with the tulip in the flower agenda. Hello 2018, hello tulips.

You will need

Nicely laid-back

Are you sticking to your New Year’s resolutions? Keep it up! As a floral counterpoint to all that discipline, you can create a nicely laid-back bouquet out of tulips, carnations, Allium and Scabiosa. Long stems, short stems, a bit of creativity, a pinch of style: you can do this. Do bear in mind that the tulips will have a growth spurt in the vase.

Ultra Violet

The Allium in this bouquet also brings a leading trendsetter into your home. Pantone has declared the colour Ultra Violet to be the trend colour for 2018. This shade makes you think about the mysteries of the cosmos, ponder on what awaits us, and contemplate the discoveries that have already been made. So spend a peaceful moment with this bouquet. And then sprint to the gym again - go go go!

We'd love to know

Have you had success with this bouquet recipe? Then show us your pink and violet tulip bouquet on Instagram with the hashtag #funnyhowflowersdothat.