You will need
How to make it
Select the finest white blooms you can find, taking height differences into account. Choose different delicate petals, rustling tulips and other exciting-looking flowers.
Make sure the vase is nice and clean, then fill it with some water. Don't be too generous, otherwise the tulips will droop from overwatering.
Trim the flowers diagonally, and arrange them individually in the vase. Work clockwise to create a traditional Biedermeier style, or place them haphazardly for a relaxed field bouquet effect.
Once you've finished, stand back and admire your gorgeously serene spring bouquet. The day suddenly looks a lot brighter, right?
Looking for more floral inspiration? Check out our pick of classic spring flowers and learn more about the wonder of tulips. For a daily dose of inspiration, follow us on Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook.