Bouquet recipe: harvest bouquet

Capture autumn in a vase

The saying "he who sows shall reap" certainly applies to this eye-catching harvest bouquet. You have to roll up your sleeves, but the result is spectacular. With this bouquet, you can bring the season and warmth into your home. The traditional colours and shapes of autumn are put together as a flower arrangement in a modern vase. Learn how do you do this at home with this bouquet recipe.

Bouquet recipe: harvest bouquet |
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How to make it

Decide in advance which vase you want to use for your harvest bouquet. We chose a flat oval ribbed vase called Nok from the brand Muuto. This shape prevents you from twisting the bouquet and helps it to look more professional. We approached making the harvest bouquet like a flower arrangement, where you put the stems one by one in the vase.

Put all the stems on the table and see what kind of lengths you have. Longer stems such as berry branches can be used to achieve and emphasise height or width. This makes it playful and gives the whole thing more cachet. Look at the vase from all sides to ensure there are no gaps. A flower such as a dahlia can rest its head on the edge of the vase. Behind it, a stem with a fiery chrysanthemum peeps out. At the top, the lanterns wobble with a breath of wind. And so you build up to a whole.

Keep playing until the harvest bouquet is as you had imagined it, or even better of course!

More, more, more autumn!

How did your harvest bouquet turn out? Share your creation with us on social media with the hashtag #funnyhowflowersdothat! You can find us on Facebook, Instagram and PinterestGet inspired for autumn with this harvest bouquet, or give your mood a lift with this mood booster bouquet