Bouquet recipe: the ultimate autumn bouquet

Lovely, bright, autumnal!

For someone you love, a funny colleague, friend you are proud of or whomever you want to put a smile on their face, for yourself, or to celebrate the season. This bouquet recipe for a delicious autumn bouquet is one in the 'can't miss' category, no matter the occasion. Will you run to the florist today to get one?

Boeketrecept: heerlijk herfstboeket
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you will need

classic autumn blooms

This autumn bouquet with classic autumn flowers is an ode to the season, and an ode to the person receiving this bouquet! The chrysanthemum shines as a golden flower, bringing happiness and health. We can never have enough of those, can we? The flower of love, rose, is also on hand and is also a beauty in powder white or soft yellow. The orange lanterns of Physalis make an autumnal appearance. What a treat!


Make a bouquet yourself - here's how! - or let your local florist lend a hand. All you have to show them the flowers you need plus a photo of this lovely autumn bouquet. 


Looking for even more original ideas and seasonal inspiration for autumn? Then take a look at our Pinterest, and follow us Facebook and Instagram with the hashtag #funnyhowflowersdothat.