The Boxing Day bouquet

Keep that Christmas spirit up

The festivities don't stop after Christmas dinner. Boxing Day is another moment for visiting friends and family, and maybe even indulging in a second helping of roast turkey while you're at it. It's also an excellent opportunity to nip round with a bouquet of flowers to soothe bruised feelings, in case any family arguments got a little out of hand in the excesses of the day before. Whether it's Christmas: Take Two or you're making amends, it's a good idea to arm yourself with a Boxing Day bouquet.

Boeket met rozen, lelies en takken Kerst

A wonderful Christmastime

Christmas Day is a time to don sparkling outfits and enjoy delicious food with those close to us. With all the excitement going on, though, it's hard to properly catch up with relatives — and there are always some people who don't manage to make it on the big day itself. Luckily, there's the Boxing Day bank holiday: an extra opportunity to get together with friends and family. It's fun to meet up for quality time in the lull between Christmas and New Year, and, since everyone's done more than enough present-opening, a bouquet of flowers is the perfect gift to bring along with you.

A bouquet full of good cheer

It's up to you what flowers and foliage you choose for a Boxing Day bouquet, but it's a brilliant opportunity to create something gorgeous, in keeping with the Christmas mood. Opt for a bouquet that will attract attention (and smooth over family dramas, if there are any to be smoothed over). Blooming roses and white lilies always look beautiful against a background of seasonal foliage.

Delivery or do it yourself

If you live too far away to visit, then arrange to have the bouquet delivered. It always feels more special though if you're there to witness your host's beaming smile when they realise it's for them. What a wonderful way to end Christmas.

Did you receive a Boxing Day bouquet? Share it with us on social media using the hashtag #funnyhowflowersdothat — we're excited to see it!