Celebrate women with flowers

This bouquet on the table is a feminine statement

Mark the strength of women, their toughness and tenderness, with this bouquet. Packed with flowers that symbolise strength, adventure, freedom and individuality, it's a true celebration of women.

Flowers about more than beauty

The amaryllis symbolises dazzling beauty, but is also used to represent the values that surpass beauty. After all, the concept of beauty differs between cultures, and even between people. We can all agree, though, that this flower is certainly beautiful.

A flower packed with excitement and adventure

You can’t ignore the bird of paradise. This flower radiates grandeur, freedom and individuality. It also symbolises everything exciting, the things that give you butterflies in your tummy. So the bird of paradise is a real flower for those who don't stick to the straight and narrow.

A nod to innocence

The lily looks like Julie Andrews could sing a song about it in The Sound of Music: the flower is so pure and white. Don’t be misled though, it’s not just about innocence. The lily also symbolises bliss and glory.

Bursting with eloquence

Language contains a lot of subtlety, and if you use words in the right way they can help you see the world in a different way. If there’s one flower that symbolises the power of words it’s the iris. It represents eloquence, wisdom, passion and hope.